Policy Documents


The Tafheem Research Center proudly presents "Sareer a Khama," a scholarly journal dedicated to fostering intellectual discourse and advancing research in the fields of Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities. Available in Urdu, Arabic, and English, our publication aims to confront the pressing challenges of our time within the scientific community. In an era where there is a palpable intellectual and scientific void, we endeavor to bridge this gap by harnessing the expertise of scholars.



Sareer a Khama is dedicated to nurturing intellectual exploration, progressing knowledge, and advocating for critical dialogue across a spectrum of disciplines within the Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities. Our aim is to establish a forum where academics, researchers, and professionals can engage in enriching discussions and actively contribute to societal enhancement. Our overarching goal is to promote interdisciplinary exchanges, foster inventive approaches, and confront pertinent social challenges through a lens that encompasses global perspectives. Committed to maintaining unwavering principles of academic honesty, inclusiveness, and scholarly distinction, we endeavor to elevate the level of scholarly conversation and actively participate in fostering constructive societal transformation.


Sareer a Khama aims to emerge as a prominent platform facilitating the dissemination of pioneering research aimed at instigating positive societal transformations. Our mission is to cultivate interdisciplinary discourse, support up-and-coming scholars, and magnify a spectrum of perspectives, ultimately propelling progress and comprehension within the vibrant field of social sciences.

Values Statement:

Sareer a Khama embodies principles of integrity, thoroughness, and openness, concurrently championing diversity, fairness, and incorporation to propel progress in the domain. Our dedication lies in nurturing academic autonomy, constructive discourse, and research excellence to tackle societal challenges and bolster worldwide welfare.

Service Policy:

  • Scope: Sareer a Khama specializes in publishing original research articles, reviews, and theoretical papers within the fields of Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities.
  • Submission Guidelines: Authors are required to follow the submission guidelines outlined on our website, encompassing formatting specifications, citation conventions, and ethical considerations. Submissions must be original and exclusive to our journal.
  • Peer Review Process: Each submission undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer review, conducted by experts in the relevant field. Reviewers provide constructive feedback to authors to ensure the research's quality and integrity.
  • Publication Ethics: Authors are held to the highest ethical standards, including proper citation practices, avoidance of plagiarism (with only an 18% allowance), and disclosure of any conflicts of interest. Editors and reviewers maintain confidentiality and impartiality throughout the review process.
  • Open Access Policy: We advocate for open access to scholarly content, granting authors the option to publish under a Creative Commons license. All published articles are freely accessible on our website, facilitating broad dissemination of knowledge.
  • Copyright Policy: Authors retain the copyright to their published work while granting the journal the right of first publication. Any subsequent use or distribution of the material must include proper attribution.
  • Publication Schedule: The journal follows a bi-annual publication schedule, with specific timelines available on our website. Upon manuscript acceptance, authors receive notification regarding the anticipated publication timeframe.
  • Feedback and Inquiries: We encourage feedback, inquiries, and suggestions from authors, reviewers, readers, and stakeholders to enhance the journal's quality and relevance. Please reach out to our editorial team for any queries or concerns.
  • Policy Updates: Our policy undergoes periodic reviews and updates to align with evolving editorial practices, industry norms, and community feedback. Any revisions are transparently communicated to our audience.

For further information or inquiries, please consult our website or contact our editorial office.

Social Responsibility Policy:

At Sareer a Khama, we are deeply committed to maintaining the highest standards of social responsibility across all facets of our operations. As a premier platform for disseminating scholarly research in the social sciences, we acknowledge our pivotal role in fostering positive societal impact and cultivating ethical conduct within the academic realm. Our social responsibility framework encompasses the following core tenets:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Sareer a Khama is steadfast in its dedication to nurturing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment within our journal. We actively solicit contributions from researchers representing a wide array of backgrounds, perspectives, and methodologies. Discrimination in any form, be it based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, is unequivocally unacceptable.
  • Ethical Research Conduct: Upholding the utmost ethical standards in research conduct and publication practices is paramount at Sareer a Khama. Authors are expected to uphold principles of academic integrity, including honesty, transparency, and respect for intellectual property rights. Plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, and other forms of research misconduct are rigorously prohibited.
  • Accessibility and Openness: Sareer a Khama is unwavering in its commitment to advancing accessibility and openness in scholarly communication. Our journal provides open access options to ensure the broad dissemination of research findings to a global audience, comprising researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public. Furthermore, we endorse initiatives that promote transparency, such as data sharing and preregistration of research protocols.
  • Community Engagement: Actively fostering engagement with both the academic community and the broader society lies at the heart of Sareer a Khama's mission. Through avenues such as conferences, workshops, seminars, and other outreach endeavors, we endeavor to bridge the gap between academia and the public sphere, fostering dialogue and mutual understanding on pertinent social issues.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Sareer a Khama recognizes the critical importance of environmental sustainability and is steadfast in our commitment to minimizing our environmental impact. We strive to curtail paper consumption, energy usage, and waste generation in our operations, embracing sustainable practices wherever feasible. Additionally, we encourage authors to consider the environmental implications of their research and publication decisions.
  • Social Impact Initiatives: Sareer a Khama actively supports initiatives harnessing the transformative potential of research to address societal challenges and catalyze positive social change. This may entail spearheading special issues, thematic collections, or collaborative endeavors centered on topics vital to public welfare.
  • Continuous Improvement: Sareer a Khama remains dedicated to the ongoing enhancement of our social responsibility practices. We routinely assess and refine our policies, procedures, and initiatives to ensure they remain aligned with our values and objectives. Feedback from stakeholders—including authors, reviewers, readers, and community partners—is actively sought and integrated into our decision-making processes.

By steadfastly adhering to these principles of social responsibility, Sareer a Khama endeavors to make a meaningful and enduring contribution to the advancement of knowledge, scholarship, and societal progress within the realm of social science.


Data Privacy Policy:

Sareer a Khama is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of our authors, reviewers, and readers. This Data Privacy Policy elucidates our procedures concerning the collection, utilization, disclosure, and protection of your personal data in adherence to relevant data protection statutes.


  1. Collecting Personal Data:

We procure personal data either directly from individuals or through intermediaries representing them. This data may encompass, but is not confined to:

  • Contact particulars like name, email address, institutional affiliation, and postal address.
  • Academic and occupational information such as educational background, employment track record, and areas of research.
  • Any other data voluntarily provided during communication or engagements with our publication.


  1. Utilization of Personal Data:

We employ personal data for the subsequent objectives:

  • Overseeing the submission and peer-review procedures.
  • Corresponding with authors, reviewers, and readers.
  • Disseminating accepted articles and associated content.
  • Furnishing information about our publication, events, and associated releases.
  • Undertaking research and analysis to enhance our offerings.


  1. Disclosure of Personal Data:

Personal data may be divulged to:

  • Editors, reviewers, and other stakeholders participating in the peer-review process.
  • Collaborative publishing entities and service providers aiding in journal operations.
  • Legal authorities or regulators when mandated by law or to safeguard our rights and interests.


  1. Data Protection:

We institute suitable technical and administrative measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or deletion. Nonetheless, complete security cannot be guaranteed for data transmitted over the internet or stored in systems.

  1. Data Preservation:

Personal data is retained for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was obtained or as stipulated by law. Retention durations may fluctuate based on the type of data and pertinent legal obligations.

  1. Consent:

Submission of personal data to us signifies your consent to its collection, utilization, and disclosure as delineated in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Individual Rights:

Individuals possess the right to access, rectify, or erase their personal data retained by us. To exercise these rights or for any queries regarding our data protection practices, please contact us using the provided details.

  1. Amendments to this Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy may be revised periodically to mirror alterations in our protocols or legal mandates. We advise reviewing this Policy intermittently for any updates.

  1. Contact Information:

For inquiries, concerns, or requests concerning this Privacy Policy or our management of personal data, please consult our website or reach out to our editorial office.