The Poetic Temperament of the Arab People: An Analytical Study

اہل عرب کا شاعرانہ مزاج،تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • عتیق الرحمٰن شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ,لاہورلیڈزیونیورسٹی،لاہور Author


Arabs, Jahili poetry, Biography of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, tribe, societal needs


During the era of ignorance (Jahiliyyah), the people of Arabia engaged in poetry as a means of expression in times of necessity. Arabs, as a nation, naturally possessed a taste for poetry. This community led a nomadic life, and their lineage was intertwined with a predisposition for freedom in all its forms. The vast desert, the intense and scorching sun, harsh and strong desert winds, the shining and dazzling moon, smiling and twinkling stars, the azure morning skies, and delightful evening atmospheres - all these elements constituted the treasure of their thoughts. As a result, Arab poets immersed themselves in their natural environment to express their emotions and sentiments through poetry. This is why the poetry of the period, which has reached us, is highly effective and authentic, serving as the finest example of language and expression, closely tied to their nomadic lifestyle. 

During that period, poets not only praised their own tribes but also responded to poets from other tribes, showcasing pride in their tribe's honor and dignity. Hence, the poets held great esteem among the Arabs. Preserving their history and experiences was an integral part of the national temperament, and poetic composition was also used for national necessities. Along with this, revealing one's own abilities through the language of poetry surpassed showing superiority over others. The refinement of their poetry is a standard for intellectual taste. It serves as the best example of poetic taste for the contemporary poetry.

In this study, it can be concluded that the poetic taste and its application, along with human needs, are a guarantee for the progress of society.


